[00:00.39]What the {*phone ringing*} [00:03.74]Hello... [00:06.23]Can not believe you answered... [00:07.39]Me neither what's up man? [00:10.57]What is up bro? [00:12.57]Well I was sleeping... [00:14.45]Sleeping? Are you serious? [00:16.51]Dude it's 3 in the morning where are you? [00:19.10]I am down in Mexico... you don't sound very down to me... [00:23.73]I'm not down because I'm sitting with 2 little ladies... [00:25.73]Really? What's their names? [00:30.85]I think one is called mine and one is called yours and if you don't come down they're both gonna be called mine... [00:36.06] [00:37.59]I'm sure they will... [00:38.90]Hey come talk to my friend... [00:40.40]Hey dude dude please don't put them on... [00:42.40]Hola! [00:43.65]Well heeeey [00:44.46]Ay papi [00:45.65]Uhhhhh [00:48.15]Give me the phone. Adios. Dude you have to come down here... [00:51.08]Man I just got way too many things to do... [00:56.13]Too many things to do? I'll give you too many things to do. All I need is an avocado, a snorkel and a paper clip and we can make this work. I am McGuiver in Mexico. This will work... [01:04.03] [01:06.42]So if I come down, we hang out with these ladies and… [01:10.54]And we get pina coladas and salsa... [01:12.36]That's not the response I was looking for but at least you're talking my language... [01:16.48]So what are you saying brosef? [01:18.29]You know what you talked me into it. I'm gonna pack a bag and I'm heading down... [01:22.01] [01:22.68]Sweet... [01:23.24]Hey and for the record you are crazy... [01:25.36]I will pick you up at the airport...wow