The wounds on your hands never seem to heal 您掌心的傷口似永難癒合(耶穌釘于十字架為我們的救贖) I thought all I needed was to believe 我曾以為除了信仰我當別無他想 Here am I, a lifetime away from you 我在此,與您隔著生死的界限 The blood of Christ, or the beat of my heart (是選擇)信仰得到救贖,還是(難抑的)心跳 My love wears forbidden colours 我的愛身披禁色 My life believes 我的畢生信仰是...(掙扎:選擇信仰還是禁色) Senseless years thunder by 塵俗碌碌皆徒勞(毫無意義的歲月轉瞬即逝如閃電) Millions are willing to give their lives for you 萬眾愿終其一生信奉您 Does nothing live on? 最後又留下了什麽? Learning to cope with feeling aroused in me 學著不斷抑制心中湧起的情與欲 My hands in the soil, buried inside myself 雙手掘土,自我葬于其中 My love wears forbidden colours 我的愛身披禁色 My life believes in you once again (掙扎過後)我再次(選擇)皈依您 I will go walking in circles 兜兜轉轉兜兜轉轉(掙扎,掙扎) While doubting the very ground beneath me 一方面對我所堅持的感到困惑(儘管立足于信仰,卻依然困惑著) Trying to show unquestioning faith in everything (另一方面)努力杜絕雜念信我所信 Here am I, a lifetime away from you 我在此,與您隔著生死的界限 The blood of Christ, or a change of heart (是選擇)信仰得到救贖,還是(為禁色)動搖的心 My love wears forbidden colours 我的愛身披禁色 My life believes 我的畢生信仰是... My love wears forbidden colours 我的愛身披禁色 My life believe in you once again (掙扎過後)我再次(選擇)皈依您