作曲 : Rutledge Blue-eyed boys they've got to roll their own and live their lives through a microphone Green-eyed girls they've got the faraway feel: steady hands make a steady wheel Oh my road Oh my orphaned home I miss your streets like a broken bone Sweet July you are a restless rhyme We love your work Come back anytime You're so fast I'm so slow We may not last but here we go I'm your man You're my radio Heaven's gate is made of pearls and grit But the bands ain't great And the bars are shit So lay your head beneath the hollow moon We made our bed And we'll be there soon The world was wrong It's barely right We wrote our song and seen the light I'm your man You're my Friday night It comes and goes Go it may God forbid It go our way I'm your man You're my Champs d'Elysees