[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Girzzly [00:03.198]You're not perfect,sport [00:03.198]你并不完美 [00:05.948]And let me save you the suspense [00:07.446]我不吊你胃口 [00:09.696]This girl you met,she isn't perfect either [00:10.200]你认识的女生也不完美 [00:11.194]But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other [00:13.448]问题是你们是否完美的适合 [00:15.188]That's the whole deal,That's what intimacy is all about [00:16.443]亲密关系就是这么回事 [01:02.943] [01:06.191] [01:54.945] [01:55.943]Now you can know everything in the world,spot. [01:57.199]你可以知道全世界的事 [01:58.196]but the only way you're finding out that one is by giving it a shot. [01:58.951]但发掘的方法唯有去尝试 [02:02.190]You certainly won't learn from an old phucker like me [02:02.690]你不能跟我这个糟老头学 [02:05.198]Even if i did know,I wouldn't tell a pissant like you [02:05.198]就算我知道,我也不会告诉你 [02:08.446]Yeah,why not? [02:08.947]为什么? [02:11.444]You told me every other phucking thing.Jesus Christ [02:11.941]你把其他事都告诉了我了,天哪 [02:13.950]Phucking talk more than any shrink I ever seen in my life [02:15.195]你的话比我遇到的任何心理医生都多 [02:16.691]I teach the ****,I didn't say I knew how to do it. [02:16.691]我只是教心理学 我说过我不是心理医生