Good night New Orleans 晚安,新奥尔良 Things are exactly as they seem 一切正如所见 But I'm nowhere around 只是我无处停留 Hello Mexico 你好,墨西哥 You're where I was told to go 我被告知你是我的归宿 If I don't want to be found 若我想默默消失 There's no end to the winter 寒冬漫长无休 Waking at the break of dawn 拂晓即醒 In the middle of summer 而夏日时分 Living at the speed of light 却光阴飞逝~ Someday we may 也许有天 See each other and look the other way 当我们再会,已物是人非 But I'll love you just the same 可我会爱你依然如初 And if you hate your life 若你厌恶人生 Just remember there used to be a time 只要记得,曾经 When we could not feel a thing 我们甚至感觉不到彼此 In my heart is a hunger 我心中始终有种渴望 I will never give away 永不会消逝 Just try and stop from going under 永远挣扎,不甘沉沦 'Till the dawn of judgment day 直至末日将临 Living at the speed of light 光阴似箭 Living at the speed of light Living at the speed of light f And burning your love on the way Burning your love away Living at the speed of light Living at the speed of light Living at the speed of light And burning your love on the way Burning your love away  Burning your love away