作词 : Thicke Gad 作曲 : Thicke Gad I'm 'A drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我会让你发疯 直到你成为我的宝贝 Cause your giving me the signs 因为从你给我的信号中可以看出 It's just a matter of time till your mine 到你变成我的只是时间问题 So you stay on my mind 24/7 on my mind 所以你一直在我的脑海中挥之不去 And I keep reading into every one of your moves, 而我也在细细考量你的第一个动作 Every little thing you do 你做的每一件小事 Thinking should I pursue you, should i pursue you 都不禁让我思考自己是否应该去追求你 So i start making plans. Take you out to slow dance. 所以我开始制订计划 譬如带你出去慢舞 Light up a romance. Wrap your hands in my hands. 为你做浪漫的事 譬如将你的手包在我的掌心中 Then I hold you. We get closer. 然后我拥住了你 我们靠得更近了 And I want you. 我想要你 And I want to drive you crazy, love. How can I just let go, 我想让你变得疯狂 亲爱的 我怎样才能放手 If your eyes say 1, but you won't fall in love? 如果你的眼睛说1 你真的不会坠入爱河吗 If I were a painter, you'd be my mona lisa. 如果我是一个画家 你会是我的蒙娜丽莎 If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry. 宝贝 如果我是一个科学家 我会找到一种化学药品 So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on. 那样你就会接受我 而我也会一直坚持下去 Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yes 直到你接受我 接受我 I'm gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我要使你疯狂 直到你成为我的宝贝 I'm gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我要使你疯狂 直到你成为我的宝贝 So I'm back in my room. 而我打退堂鼓了 Yesterday's ended too soon, way too soon. 昨天结束得太快 太快 Staring at the canvas, watching the time pass by. 在画布上开始作画 看着时光悄悄溜走 I got all the wrong colors spread out around me. 我将所有的颜料打翻在我周围 My glass of champagne is almost empty. 我杯中香槟酒已一滴不剩 Every stroke I make is a stroke on your body. 我作的每一笔都是对你身体的抚摸 Run my mind through your hair, its only you I see. 我的思绪飘过你的头发 我的眼中只有你 So i start making plans. Take you out to slow dance. 所以我开始制订计划 带你外出慢舞 Light up a romance. Wrap your hands in my hands. 为你做浪漫的事 譬如将你的手包在我的掌心中 Then I hold you. We get closer. 然后我拥住了你 我们靠得更近了 And I want you. 我想要你 And I want to drive you crazy, love. How can I just let go, 我想让你变得疯狂 亲爱的 我怎样才能放手 If your eyes say 1, but you won't fall in love? 如果你的眼睛说1 你真的不会坠入爱河吗 If I were a painter, you'd be my mona lisa. 如果我是一个画家 你会是我的蒙娜丽莎 If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry. 宝贝 如果我是一个科学家 我会找到一种化学药品 So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on. 那样你就会接受我 而我也会一直坚持下去 Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yes 直到你接受我 接受我 I'm gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我要使你疯狂 直到你成为我的宝贝 I'm gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我要使你疯狂 直到你成为我的宝贝 I'm gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我要使你疯狂 直到你成为我的宝贝 I'm gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby 我要使你疯狂 直到你成为我的宝贝