Spastic captive what makes you think you're not to blame? Blue flares bear witness It's time you find yourself a new claim to fame. Fairweather feather Our time's run out We won't feel better when the winds of change have changed to lazy clouds Red flags at half-mast Fresh spores to kill Dream house in splinters Pink pills will help us to sleep and sit still Surefooted captain Your jokes are first-rate The press pool ripples with laughter As robot planes shoot flames and take lives away Filthy window Go on, pretend that you can see Guilty rainbow We'll never be the way we used to be… If you're somebody nobody wants to be around Where do you go at night? When you don't want to be alone anymore? When you don't want to be alone anymore And if you're someone who wants to be alone What do you when you're miles away from home Where do you go when there are people everywhere you go What do you say to someone you'll never know? If you're someone who cares a lot about the problems of the world What do you say to the other boys & girls? Do you try to play it cool? Or do you dare ask if they care along with you? If you shake real fast It might float to the top You might see it through the glass But if you stop shaking it will surely drop