Peppa Pig: A rainbow It's got all our favorite colors in it Red and orange and green and blue Peppa/Children: It's a rainy sunny day The rainbow's here to play Rainbow rainbow Red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue And indigo too Rainbow rainbow It's a rainy sunny day Peppa/Children: Red is the color of our car it's the best Orange is the color of Mommy's favorite dress Yellow is the color of the sand on the shore Green is Mr. Dinosaur grr Blue is Grandpa's boat when it's bobbing on the sea Purple is the bunk bed for George and me And Indigo Indigo Do you know what color that is George That's right It's bluey-purple Oh we love Indigo Peppa/Children: It's a rainy sunny day The rainbow's here to play Rainbow rainbow Red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue And indigo too Rainbow rainbow It's a rainy sunny day Peppa: I hope it rains again soon I love rainbows And muddy puddles