作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 One, two 一,二 Baby really hurt me 真的令我很受伤 Crying in the taxi 独自一人在出租车里哭泣 He don't wanna know me 他不想再了解我 Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm 他也不想在我的感情爆发中酿成大错 Says it was poison 说这段感情犹如毒药般致命 So I guess I'll go home 所以我还是回家吧,孤身一人 Into the arms of the girl that I love 在我爱的人怀中寻找宽慰 The only love I haven't screwed up 她是我唯一没有搞砸的友情 She's so hard to pease 她情绪是那么难以平静 But she's a forest fire 犹如森林大火,炙烤她心 I do my best to meet her demands 为取悦她,我做了一切 Play at romance, we slow dance 浪漫嬉戏,缓缓共舞 In the living room, but all that a stranger would see 在起居室,但在他人眼里的画面不过是 Is one girl swaying alone 环臂站在中央的女孩,孤孤零零 Stroking her cheek 轻抚脸颊,满是伤心 They say, "You're a little much for me 他们说,“和你相处太难 You're a liability 我们负担不起你的感情 You're a little much for me" 和你相处让人感到窒息” So they pull back, make other plans 所以他们渐行渐远,将我抛在身后 I understand, I'm a liability 我明白,我是个累赘 Get you wild, make you leave 让你发狂,将你抛弃 I'm a little much for 和我相处有些吃力 E-a-na-na-na, everyone 对所有人来说 The truth is I am a toy 但事实上,我只是个玩偶 That people enjoy 供观众把玩的玩具 'Til all of the tricks don't work anymore 直到有一天,所有的把戏都不再奏效 And then they are bored of me 他们也会感觉我很无趣,将我抛弃 I know that it's exciting 居然是我期盼已久 Running through the night, but 然后穿梭在黑暗中,无人问津 Every perfect summer's 但是,所有这些完美的夏日回忆 Eating me alive until you're gone 在你走后,每当回想都痛彻心扉 Better on my own 还是一个人吧 They say, "You're a little much for me 他们说,“和你相处太难 You're a liability 我们负担不起你的感情 You're a little much for me" 和你相处让人感到窒息” So they pull back, make other plans 所以他们渐行渐远,将我抛在身后 I understand, I'm a liability 我明白,我是个累赘 Get you wild, make you leave 让你发疯,将你抛弃 I'm a little much for 和我相处有些吃力 E-a-na-na-na, everyone 对所有人来说,都是如此 They're gonna watch me 他们只会注视着我 Disappear into the sun 消失在日光中 You're all gonna watch me 你们都只会注视着我 Disappear into the sun 消失于日光中