How about you you you 不如你 你 你 How about you you you 不如你 你 你 You took my love for granted 你理所当然般索取我的爱 You left me lost and disenchanted 你留我一人迷失 任幻想破灭 Bulldoze my heart as if you planned it 一如你预想中那样将我心揉碎荡平 My prince was so unjustly handsome 我的王子帅得没道理 Who was a knight in shining armor 如身披闪耀铠甲的骑士 I got a story, you'll love me harder 我有这样一个故事 故事中你爱我无比 Might as well down this Caymus bottle 不妨先放下这手中的佳酿 I ain't the type to play the martyr 我并不是那种会扮演爱情烈士的角色 How about you get the **** out? 所以不如你给老娘滚出去怎样? How about you get the **** out? 不如你给老娘滚出去如何? Get the **** out 给老娘麻利地滚出去 How about you take your things and be on your merry way? 不如你卷好铺盖滚去找你自己的极乐之路如何 Fly off with a wink 给你个眼色自己死远点 Bye bye, baby 白白了 婊贝 How about you, screws me and make me got your vally 不如我让你蹂躏 然后将你的名利全收怎么样 You just take your things and be on your merry way 你就卷铺盖滚去找你自己的极乐之路吧 My friends saw something in your eyes 我的朋友们曾从你眼中看出些端倪 They told me they once, they told me twice 他们一次两次的提醒我 I looked beyond the signs 我的目光却跳过了这些提醒 I guess fool's love makes you blind, I 我想愚人的爱情总会让人盲目 Who was a knight in shining armor, you you you 那身披闪耀铠甲的骑士 I got a story, you'll love me harder, you you you 我有这样一个故事 故事中你爱我无比 Might as well down this Caymus bottle, you you you 不妨先放下这手中的佳酿 I ain't the type to play the martyr 我并不是那种会扮演爱情烈士的角色 How about you get the **** out? 所以不如你给老娘滚出去怎样? How about... 不如 How about you get the **** out? 不如你给老娘滚出去如何? How about... you get the **** out? 不如你给老娘滚出去怎样? How about you take your things and be on your merry way? 不如你卷好铺盖滚去找你自己的极乐之路如何 How about you... 不如你.. Fly off with a wink 给你个眼色自己死远点 Bye bye, baby 白白了 婊贝 How about you, screws me and make me got your vally 不如我让你蹂躏 然后将你的名利全收怎么样 How about you take your things and be on your merry way? 不如你卷好铺盖滚去找你自己的极乐之路如何 How about you get the **** out? 不如你给老娘滚出去怎样? **** out, **** out 滚出去 死远点 Don't tell me these lies, I know you're bluffing 别再对我重复这些谎言 我知道你就只是虚张声势 How about you get the **** out? 不如你给老娘滚出去怎样? Go stay at your friend's house or something 滚去你那些狐朋狗友的家里或者怎样都好 Take your **** and leave 带上你的衣服麻利地滚 How about you... 不如你.. Go stay at your friend's house or something 滚去你那些狐朋狗友的家里或者怎样都好 How about you... 不如你.. Go and stay with your homeboy, he was talking 滚去找你兄弟 他在不停哔哔 How about you... 不如你.. I ain't tryna be rude, but you're lucky 我并不打算蛮横地来 这一点你很幸运 How about you... 不如你.. I kicked your ass out last weekend 上周末我就把你一脚踢出了老娘的家 How about you get the f*** out~ 不如你滚蛋如何~