[00:00.000] 作词 : 鹿丸Shika [00:01.000] 作曲 : 鹿丸Shika [00:04.20]编曲:August Wu [00:06.30]混音:Mt [00:08.40]海报:Sally [00:10.50]翻译:绮落 [00:14.80]Ain't no feeling bounded [00:14.80]无拘无束 一身轻松 [00:16.43]Rhythm note around it [00:16.43]节奏音符 潺潺流动 [00:18.46]Seemed like temptation and attraction kinda naked [00:18.46]魅力难挡 赤裸作弄 [00:22.73]All these words in this original is real no lie [00:22.73]直来直往 开诚布公 [00:27.33]Promise me or let us make a deal rewind [00:27.33]单曲循环 烂歌清空 [00:30.99]华灯初上的市中心我在霓虹下转啊转 [00:34.65]画风粗犷的小姐姐忍不住回头看啊看 [00:38.51]潮牌是Moovan放肆的买  [00:40.54]球鞋是Jordan bounce的甩 [00:42.16]特别装 特别浪 特别棒棒的走一趟 [00:46.64]有点意思 突然迎面好多迷妹跑来 申请自拍 [00:50.49]Say cheese 无滤镜的我还是那么帅我太靓仔 [00:54.35]这不是Boombap可是你学也学不来 [00:58.01]就很Chill 就很秀 那你听着我哼着 like [01:17.30]Ain't no feeling bounded [01:17.30]无拘无束 一身轻松 [01:18.93]Rhythm note around it [01:18.93]节奏音符 潺潺流动 [01:20.75]Seemed like temptation and attraction kinda naked [01:20.75]魅力难挡 赤裸作弄 [01:25.22]All these words in this original is real no lie [01:25.22]直来直往 开诚布公 [01:29.89]Promise me or let us make a deal rewind [01:29.89]单曲循环 烂歌清空 [01:33.55]Immaculate my face [01:33.55]最靓的仔 鬼斧神工 [01:34.98]Gonna do some rap **** [01:34.98]想给你听 我的汹涌 [01:36.60]Melody I made arbitrarily gets you addicted [01:36.60]过耳不忘 一击即中 [01:40.87]Doesn't matter who's the lover in your dream too tight [01:40.87]旧时春闺梦里人 无影无踪 [01:45.13]Dress up and follow me to the street tonight [01:45.13]说走就走 今夜与共 [01:49.40]走着走着走到山重水复 疑似迷了路 停驻 [01:53.26]一位啤酒肚的大叔 吞云吐雾 [01:56.50]大叔掐灭烟头 微笑向我招手 [01:58.95]好心告诉我下个街口怎么走 [02:00.77]原来他是星探 出门寻找idol [02:02.81]眼光独到精湛 艺人都会battle [02:04.63]他说"需要我照亮你回家的路那我会送你们手电筒" [02:11.13]嗯???? [02:12.96]告别了Jay的狂热粉 [02:14.38]脚下踩到了谁的黄课本 [02:16.41]写着什么狼火还是什么狠人 [02:18.24]画着什么糖果还是什么吻痕 [02:20.48]诶 去排队 K11全免费 预备 功课pre 种草也全部给兑 现 [02:28.81]太有钱 跟我吃遍 招牌店 不用淀粉不勾芡 老板 大碗宽面 [02:35.50]Ain't no feeling bounded [02:35.50]无拘无束 一身轻松 [02:37.33]Rhythm note around it [02:37.33]节奏音符 潺潺流动 [02:38.96]Seemed like temptation and attraction kinda naked [02:38.96]魅力难挡 赤裸作弄 [02:43.43]All these words in this original is real no lie [02:43.43]直来直往 开诚布公 [02:47.69]Promise me or let us make a deal rewind [02:47.69]单曲循环 烂歌清空 [02:51.14]Immaculate my face [02:51.14]最靓的仔 鬼斧神工 [02:52.58]Gonna do some rap **** [02:52.58]想给你听 我的汹涌 [02:54.40]Melody I made arbitrarily gets you addicted [02:54.40]过耳不忘 一击即中 [02:59.07]Doesn't matter who's the lover in your dream too tight [02:59.07]旧时春闺梦里人 无影无踪 [03:03.34]Dress up and follow me to the street tonight [03:03.34]说走就走 今夜与共 [03:06.99]酒吧门口有个衣衫褴褛 穿着破烂的醉汉 [03:11.47]是否也曾鼓动风雨 掀起波澜的罪犯 [03:15.32]他摇摇晃晃 飘飘荡荡 [03:18.57]跌跌撞撞 踉踉跄跄 [03:21.41]嘟嘟囔囔: [03:23.03]"人是衣 马是鞍 一看长相二看穿 [03:26.69]白天想 夜里哭 做梦都想去首都" [03:30.66]"人是衣 马是鞍 一看长相二看穿 [03:34.51]白天想 夜里哭 我做梦都想去首都"