once the catch has been caught and the money been counted once the shot had been fired and the killing been done when the fields are empty and the birds have flown when your man is asleep lying at your side once the train's pulled out and the curtain's been closed once the holiday's over and the children have grown once the bride's been kissed and the decorations down when your girl is asleep lying at your side what do we have but ourselves? who are you at the end of your day? what do we need but ourselves? who are we at the end of our days? once the question's been asked and the tears have dried away once the doors have locked and the clouds have passed across once the rain has cleared and the rubbish been taken out when your child is asleep lying at your side what do we have but ourselves? who are you at the end of your day? what do we need but ourselves? who are we at the end of our days?