作词 : NaOH 作曲 : NaOH I came to this world我来到一个 Which I hadn't seen我从未见过的世界 There are filled with这里的生物 With competition特别喜欢竞争 Oh I become so tired我感到有些疲倦了 Give me second to breathe等等让我喘口气吧 I want to select我已经决定了 Withdrew from this game我要退出你们的竞争 Oh I see是啊,我看见了 That world在那个世界 Hasn't deception and war没有欺诈和战争 Hasn't conflict and force没有争吵和暴力 Oh I我感到 I feel我已经沉浸在 I had immersed myself这像冒险一般的 In the adventure of life生活中 Slow it down心平气和 Oh I see是啊,我看见了 That world在那个世界 Hasn't deception and war没有欺诈和战争 Hasn't conflict and force没有争吵和暴力 Oh I我感到 I feel我已经沉浸在 I had immersed myself这像冒险一般的 In the adventure of life生活中 Back and forth we rush我们急匆匆地踱来踱去 Like the ants in the flames像热火中的蚂蚁 Slow down your feet慢一点吧 And close to your heart去听听你心里面的声音 Oh I see是啊,我看见了 That world在那个世界 Hasn't deception and war没有欺诈和战争 Hasn't conflict and force没有争吵和暴力 Oh I我感到 I feel我已经沉浸在 I had immersed myself这像冒险一般的 In the adventure of life生活中 of life Wow of life Oh Slow it down静下心来 Slow it down静下心来 Slow it down心平气和 I've been tired我已厌倦 Of the rush踱来踱去 Slow it down放慢脚步 I've been tired我已厌倦 Of the world这个世界 World that drunk醉醺醺的世界 Slow it down静下心来 Slow it down心平气和 I've been tired我已厌倦 Of the rush踱来踱去 Slow it down放慢脚步 I've been tired我已厌倦 Of the world这个世界 World that drunk醉醺醺的世界 Slow it down静下心来 Slow it down心平气和 I've been tired我已厌倦 Of the rush踱来踱去 Slow it down放慢脚步 I've been tired我已厌倦 Of the world这个世界 World that drunk醉醺醺的世界