作曲 : Fletcher, Fox, Gormley ... Understood This will read as a plan to vindicate intolerance as surely as it is written Understand Contempt born of clear perception is a birthright to those who channel it toward progression Preserve life through loathing Awaken hope with hatred Wrest insight from outrage This is a birthright and obligation Spiteful and ill-tempered I know the character well A maelstrom of weakness and instability seething with viciousness I choose not to accept this Not into my life There is no hope of reform When pride is allied with hostility All reason is denied I return the denial A glaring misconception of self-importance I know the character well Heedless fool So arrogant with no understanding of consequence I see this negligence I choose not to accept it Not into my life Absence of introspection neglects the outer world Let not the excess of lust and comfort mislead you This world is not yours Feel the quarrel in just his presense You know the character all too well A destructive man at war with his cowardice I detest belligerence, and I choose not to accept this Not into my life Keep separate these hatreds Undefined animosity is a device of the spineless The means of a fool Focused misanthropy is opposition to these dark hearts Downpours of disapproval no words could begin to express I believe in man Man will maintain it's hostility Have this faith To distort the truth to serve itself To oppose understanding Conflict in the chest To be concerned for the needs of such heartless men