[00:00.000] 作词 : P.C.D [00:01.000] 作曲 : P.C.D [00:06.844]混音:夏提 [00:07.844]封面:FebrB [00:08.020]S H U I P A 水怕 [00:09.371]All the God trust P(众望所归之P) [00:10.822]Hook: [00:11.419]If you step into my shoes [00:13.052](如果你踩进我的步履) [00:13.346]Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know [00:15.941](或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) [00:16.604]P:It's been a long time [00:17.246]If you see it through my eyes [00:18.588](如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) [00:18.937]Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go [00:20.868](或许你会被那份炽热吓退) [00:21.377]P:Then you go [00:22.142]Only the thing you'll know [00:27.218](你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) [00:31.267]Verse1: [00:31.814]Through my eyes [00:32.783]透过我的瞳孔看到爱意 [00:34.687]I know that [00:35.406]遇到你之前的岁月都是败笔 [00:37.424]在某个良辰吉日为你披上婚纱 [00:39.664]再亲手送对你暗恋的男孩人间蒸发 [00:42.390]知道婚姻是场征途 [00:44.686]以后要陪你每天看海面把日落吞吐 [00:47.332]我期待民政局合照你微笑的样子 [00:49.863]你注定栽我这儿 [00:50.767]因为没人能像我样对你爱的放肆 [00:53.331]I don't care [00:53.672]已决定这一生要为你战斗到底 [00:56.149]无论我在哪 [00:56.824]心底有画面 [00:57.779]都看得到你 [00:58.798]当见面那刻我一定会把你抱紧 [01:01.078]在机场巨大玻璃墙上刻下相拥的倒影 [01:03.904]透过彼此的双眼看世界 [01:06.017]幸福 爱 还有 信念在里面 [01:08.689]不知道会被现实摧残成什么样子 [01:11.738]但我得写下这首歌 [01:13.040]一边再为你挣钻戒 [01:14.902]Hook: [01:15.411]If you step into my shoes [01:17.038](如果你踩进我的步履) [01:17.336]Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know [01:19.868](或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) [01:20.493]If you see it through my eyes [01:22.425](如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) [01:22.634]Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go [01:25.840](或许你会被那份炽热吓退) [01:26.166]Only the thing you'll know [01:28.288](你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) [01:30.214]P:The love I'll never lose it [01:30.580](我会秉持这份爱直到老去) [01:32.890]You have my word [01:33.739](给你的承诺) [01:35.247]Verse2: [01:35.815]Girl! [01:36.685]庆幸有你让我毫无顾忌把事业做大 [01:39.212]但原谅我只会写歌不能为你作画 [01:41.713]就让我嘴巴变成粉笔 [01:43.249]刻画出你最美的模样 [01:45.030]再去星空下面吻你 [01:46.461]You the angel I got to protect [01:48.456]Like J.Cole 心里藏着一些 [01:50.204]《Pretty Little Fears》 [01:51.255]Your Loveliness,Frankness [01:52.658](你的可爱与率真) [01:52.879]Lead to my whole world around [01:54.356](让我的世界转动) [01:54.547]I raised you,You raised me [01:55.610](像亲人相互养育一般) [01:55.866]Let's turn whole life round [01:57.424](让我们的生命为彼此而前行) [01:57.767]Baby [01:58.062]目光所及全是爱的意义 [01:59.914]就像花蕾绽放透露所有美好秘密 [02:02.606]Thank God [02:03.614]让我得到你的柔情蜜意 [02:05.099]就像美酒踩过喉咙摧毁我反抗的力气 [02:08.640]It's so fantasy (美好) [02:09.848]当你同意我拿到钥匙直达你心 [02:12.413]Oh trust me (信任) [02:13.622]盼望着陪伴你的每个 春夏秋冬 [02:15.985]如果这是梦我发誓会一口 吞下周公 [02:18.931]Hook: [02:19.378]If you step into my shoes [02:21.140](如果你踩进我的步履) [02:21.858]Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know [02:24.285](或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) [02:24.624]If you see it through my eyes [02:26.334](如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) [02:26.589]Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go [02:29.235](或许你会被那份炽热吓退) [02:29.754]Only the thing you'll know [02:31.999](你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) [02:34.054]P:I luv U babe [02:37.728]Verse3: [02:39.898]Verse 3 Years 3 [02:41.353]Different places [02:43.548]Quarrel never stay [02:45.237]Verse 3 Years 3 [02:47.809]Different places [02:49.010]Quarrel never never stay [02:50.483]Great passion [02:51.194](对你的爱无比激情) [02:51.519]I never cooled down the passion [02:52.858](我绝不会让它冷却) [02:53.073]你是艺术品本该活在我 imagination [02:55.777]Girl you so magic sure you make me addicted in (你散发让我上瘾的魔力) [02:57.873]That cause I love you [02:59.229]Hey! [03:00.406]I love you [03:00.601](爱你) [03:01.051]Hook: [03:02.737]If you step into my shoes [03:03.950](如果你踩进我的步履) [03:04.410]Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know [03:07.000](或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) [03:07.319]If you see it through my eyes [03:09.068](如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) [03:09.384]Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go [03:12.408](或许你会被那份炽热吓退) [03:12.759]Only the thing you'll know [03:15.460](你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) [03:19.857]——————End——————