作词 : P.C.D 作曲 : P.C.D 混音:夏提 封面:FebrB S H U I P A 水怕 All the God trust P(众望所归之P) Hook: If you step into my shoes (如果你踩进我的步履) Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know (或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) P:It's been a long time If you see it through my eyes (如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go (或许你会被那份炽热吓退) P:Then you go Only the thing you'll know (你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) Verse1: Through my eyes 透过我的瞳孔看到爱意 I know that 遇到你之前的岁月都是败笔 在某个良辰吉日为你披上婚纱 再亲手送对你暗恋的男孩人间蒸发 知道婚姻是场征途 以后要陪你每天看海面把日落吞吐 我期待民政局合照你微笑的样子 你注定栽我这儿 因为没人能像我样对你爱的放肆 I don't care 已决定这一生要为你战斗到底 无论我在哪 心底有画面 都看得到你 当见面那刻我一定会把你抱紧 在机场巨大玻璃墙上刻下相拥的倒影 透过彼此的双眼看世界 幸福 爱 还有 信念在里面 不知道会被现实摧残成什么样子 但我得写下这首歌 一边再为你挣钻戒 Hook: If you step into my shoes (如果你踩进我的步履) Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know (或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) If you see it through my eyes (如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go (或许你会被那份炽热吓退) Only the thing you'll know (你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) P:The love I'll never lose it (我会秉持这份爱直到老去) You have my word (给你的承诺) Verse2: Girl! 庆幸有你让我毫无顾忌把事业做大 但原谅我只会写歌不能为你作画 就让我嘴巴变成粉笔 刻画出你最美的模样 再去星空下面吻你 You the angel I got to protect Like J.Cole 心里藏着一些 《Pretty Little Fears》 Your Loveliness,Frankness (你的可爱与率真) Lead to my whole world around (让我的世界转动) I raised you,You raised me (像亲人相互养育一般) Let's turn whole life round (让我们的生命为彼此而前行) Baby 目光所及全是爱的意义 就像花蕾绽放透露所有美好秘密 Thank God 让我得到你的柔情蜜意 就像美酒踩过喉咙摧毁我反抗的力气 It's so fantasy (美好) 当你同意我拿到钥匙直达你心 Oh trust me (信任) 盼望着陪伴你的每个 春夏秋冬 如果这是梦我发誓会一口 吞下周公 Hook: If you step into my shoes (如果你踩进我的步履) Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know (或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) If you see it through my eyes (如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go (或许你会被那份炽热吓退) Only the thing you'll know (你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) P:I luv U babe Verse3: Verse 3 Years 3 Different places Quarrel never stay Verse 3 Years 3 Different places Quarrel never never stay Great passion (对你的爱无比激情) I never cooled down the passion (我绝不会让它冷却) 你是艺术品本该活在我 imagination Girl you so magic sure you make me addicted in (你散发让我上瘾的魔力) That cause I love you Hey! I love you (爱你) Hook: If you step into my shoes (如果你踩进我的步履) Maybe then,maybe then and then you'll know (或许你就会知道我为了什么前进) If you see it through my eyes (如果你透过我的双眼看到了它) Maybe then,maybe then you'll then you'll go (或许你会被那份炽热吓退) Only the thing you'll know (你终究会知道这绝无仅有的爱) ——————End——————