Well I know, you couldn't love me 好吧,我知道,你不會愛我 cause you're promised to a wealthy man 因為你已經對一個有錢人承諾了 take a look, what are you seeing? 但是看一下,你看見了甚麼? is that a noose or a wedding band 那是一副絞繩還是一枚結婚戒? Should i go to see a healer 我是否該去做個治療 nervous twitchin' in my hands 我的手部神經不停的抽蓄著 nervous twitchin' in my head 我的腦袋也一樣 God help me rid this feelin' 上帝啊,請幫我擺脫這感覺 cause i'm fallin' to pieces 因為我心已墜落破碎了 and i can't get out of bed 我就連下個床也沒辦法 Beggars and hangers-on 乞求並施捨憐憫我吧 try to take you from me 把你們從我身邊帶走吧 someone with a bible in his pocket 某些人把聖經放入了他的口袋 clouding everything you see 掩蓋掉你看見的每件事情 Beggars and hangers-on 乞求並施捨憐憫我吧 they chip it away 他們剝奪掉一切 bury your soul in the river 把你的靈魂埋葬於河流裡 cause the end is here to stay 因為停止不前才是結束 God help me rid this feelin' 上帝啊,請幫我擺脫這感覺 cause i'm fallin' to pieces 因為我心已墜落破碎了 and i can't get out of bed 我就連下個床也沒辦法 I was wrong i don't need you 我大錯特錯了,我不需要你 it seems reckless and unfair 一切似乎太過草率也不公 better days 美好的日子 are far behind 已經越來越遠 guess that's another cross i'll have to bear 猜想這是另一個我不得不去承受的抉擇點 I know that there's a time and a reason 我很明白這是一個恰巧的錯誤 to take the ghost and lock it up inside 結果導致幽靈深鎖於內心之中 and maybe i am down 或許我失望了 but i'm not beaten 但是我沒有被擊倒 like anything 就像每件事情一樣 we were born to die 我們的存在就是為了迎接死亡 Beggars and hangers-on 乞求並施捨憐憫我吧 try to take you from me 把你們從我身邊帶走吧 someone with a bible in his pocket 某些人把聖經放入了他的口袋 clouding everything you see 掩蓋掉你看見的每件事情 Beggars and hangers-on 乞求並施捨憐憫我吧 they chip it away 他們剝奪掉一切 bury your soul in the river 把你的靈魂埋葬於河流裡 cause the end is here to stay 因為停止不前才是結束 Beggars and hangers on 乞求並施捨憐憫我吧 beggars and hangers on 乞求並施捨憐憫我吧 no no no no no no no no no no no no