作词 : Ear涂涂 作曲 : Ear涂涂 life sweet free life hook: Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) when you like to wander around the world (当你也喜欢漂游四海时) then you're in the right place (那你来对了地方) Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) if you like to wander around the found sweet (如果你喜欢四处发现于美好) Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) when you like to wander around the world (当你也喜欢漂游四海时) then you're in the right place (那你来对了地方) Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) the free life (自由的生活) 抛开复杂的所有沉浸在享受 多看那远离喧嚣田野 他走在一片麦穗的乡间 想畅快呼吸清风拂面 光滋润木叶 斯夫经昼夜 多轻松姿态在空中摇曳 思欲向远的都将会隔于城阙 阡陌繁华也好似寄于枝头晓月 或是 步伐平稳从容 笑靥如孩童 待绽放于青空 如斯的生活介于以梦为马 举手投足的展现多附于风雅 生活像朵芬芳的花 不在意盛开的多么惊艳澎湃 也许挫败 也许低迷过态 活在当下 都不要怠慢那份执着与爱 free life i ready (准备好了) i freely (无拘束的) i want to see (到处寻觅) so funny (有趣味) as you like (随心所欲) free like the wind (像风一样自由) i ready (准备好了) i freely (无拘束的) i want to see (到处寻觅) so funny (有趣味) as you like (随心所欲) free like the wind (像风一样自由) soft sweet the life the fly 浮华散去 踏步跃进 像个梦境的 追逐印记 自游自在的翱翔于天际 这净土从不含有芥蒂 its sun life 多该去放轻松 运用舒缓的方式倾心不做空 过滤存在于彼此虚假成分 都别再丢掉那些纯真 太多防备着浮杂或顾虑的 漫不经心的或是咎由自取 放逐现实的总是畏缩抗拒 当反复刺痛又妥协散去 now you`re future life 该多些甜味 自然配方都不需经典调配 芳华倾负于微微晨曦 如幻如斯中得其所愿 Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) when you like to wander around the world (当你也喜欢漂游四海时) then you're in the right place (那你来对了地方) Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) if you like to wander around the found sweet (如果你喜欢四处发现于美好) Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) when you like to wander around the world (当你也喜欢漂游四海时) then you're in the right place (那你来对了地方) Watching me shuttle through the crowd (看着我穿梭在人海中) if you like to wander around the found sweet (如果你喜欢四处发现于美好) nobly soul (高尚心灵) nonobly faith (高尚信仰) dawn (在黎明) nobly soul (高尚心灵) nonobly faith (高尚信仰) dawn (在黎明) Watching me shuttle through the crowd the free life