[00:00.000] 作词 : WH² [00:00.971] 作曲 : WH² [00:01.943]‘ 第一晚の夢 ’ 「 成長 」 [00:02.443] [00:02.940]Intro: [00:03.697]還記得每天下午6點準時的動漫嗎 [00:07.946]和那个比你还大的奧特曼書包 [00:12.400]記得嗎 [00:13.394] [00:13.903]Verse 1: [00:15.646]Have you ever remember you happy ? [00:18.656]Have you ever remember(you)hate people greedy? [00:21.902]Have you ever remember the time we spend? [00:25.405]Have you ever remember(the answer)yes not maybe? [00:27.154] [00:29.147]sometimes you feel alone [00:32.145]這世界上 沒有人懂 [00:35.649]想快點長大所有煩惱都丟去 [00:38.906]長大後發現丟不掉的是憂慮 [00:42.653]sound out play loud [00:45.900]Time won’t back now [00:49.403]sound out and play loud [00:52.395]silent soul down [00:55.658]多希望從此臉上只剩笑容 [00:58.152]嘴角微微的上揚 接受自己的不同 [01:02.150]多希望他人嘲笑聲能小點 [01:04.896]保持內心的善良 生活會給予褒貶 [01:08.406](You are cool) [01:08.901] [01:09.149](嘟嘟的Vocal) [01:10.656] [01:12.090]Verse 2: [01:15.847]也許這過程依舊不盡人意 [01:18.339]它奪走心愛玩具 [01:19.835]壞眼神仍在傳遞 [01:22.344]這熱情逐漸消耗不再洋溢 [01:24.838]桌上擺滿著文案 [01:26.592]內容要求背詳細 [01:28.848]也許有那麼一刻 思緒飄到了從前 [01:35.093]望不到邊際的農田 [01:37.842]還有那 [01:39.098]外公健在的童年 [01:40.099] [01:41.094]Outro: [01:42.590]I lose my mind [01:45.847]They killing my vibe [01:49.094]Show off the type [01:51.282]Type [01:52.025]of my [01:53.960]My Children life [01:57.465]My Children Life x2 [02:03.456]That's Mine Children Life