Let's head for hell tonight, you and I 你我一同搭上了通往地獄的頭班車 No shackles in here can hold us down 這裡毫無拘束 We'll ride free 能夠免費搭上這班車 We wait patiently 就耐心的等待列車的到來吧 Break the walls, smoking gun 擊破層層的牆,帶著煙硝味的槍 Across the border unchained, unbound 奔放的穿越邊界,無拘無束 We ride free 免費搭上這班通往地獄的列車 We kill instantly 即刻殺出條血路 Ash to ash, dust to lust 灰飛煙滅吧,屬於凡塵的慾望 Through other's blood, we'll never rust 踩過對方的鮮血,我們不會因此被鏽蝕 Forevermore as our love will sore 我們亙古不變的愛直到永永遠遠 We are the darkest angels from the heavens above 我們是來自天上最黑暗的天使 The outlaws coming from the fires below 帶著地獄之火的亡命之徒 And we won't die old, blessed by our broken homes 不老也不死,祝福我們的家庭破碎吧 Shotgun romance, all natural born 獵槍的浪漫都是天生的 Show no mercy, slay them all 對於沒有憐憫心的人,殺光他們吧 One kill, two souls, oh, our hearts of cold 殺了一個,獲取兩種靈魂 噢,我們感到心寒 Hearts of cold 心寒啊 Scar this town, crown the crime 充滿傷疤的城鎮,冠上了罪名 Baby, we'll make headnews tonight 寶貝,今晚我們就會登上頭版 We're set free 不須任痕金錢 We run famously 經營著至理名言 Through endless miles, dusk 'til dawn 綿延不絕的,黃昏直到黎明 It might end today, but we made it far 一天就結束的週期,但我們卻離的遙遠 When we leave 當我們離去 We won't leave here peacefully 卻不會拋下這裡的和平 Ash to ash, dust to lust 灰飛煙滅吧,屬於凡塵的慾望 Through other's blood, we'll never rust 踩過對方的鮮血,我們不會因此被鏽蝕 Forevermore as our love will sore 我們亙古不變的愛直到永永遠遠 We are the darkest angels from the heavens above 我們是來自天上最黑暗的天使 The outlaws coming from the fires below 帶著地獄之火的亡命之徒 And we won't die old, blessed by our broken homes 不老也不死,祝福我們的家庭破碎吧 Shotgun romance, all natural born 獵槍的浪漫都是天生的 Show no mercy, slay them all 對於沒有憐憫心的人,殺光他們吧 One kill, two souls, oh, our hearts of cold 殺了一個,獲取兩種靈魂 噢,我們感到心寒 Hearts of cold 心寒啊 Slay them all 殺光他們吧 Cold 凜冽寒心 The darkest angels from the heavens above 來自於天上最黑暗的天使 The outlaws coming from the fires below 帶著來自地獄的火焰 And we won't die old, blessed by our broken homes 我們不老也不死,祝福我們的家庭破碎吧 Shotgun romance, all natural born 所有天生的獵槍浪漫 Show no mercy, slay them all 對於沒有憐憫之心的人,殺光他們 One kill, two souls, oh, our hearts of cold 殺了一個,就有兩種靈魂 噢,我們感到心寒 Hearts of cold 寒心啊 Cold 凜冽寒心