[00:00.000] 作词 : XERXE$ [00:01.000] 作曲 : XERXE$ [00:07.116]编曲:TRA$H [00:14.155]混音:FakeBlood [00:18.401]thank you for staying with me [00:19.916]such a long time [00:20.395]it's time to separate yeah [00:22.635]I won't forget y'all [00:23.361]those people and those things [00:25.121]keep going with every faith [00:27.115]really thank you for staying with me [00:28.641]such a long time [00:29.675]it's time to separate yeah [00:31.681]I won't forget y'all [00:32.642]those people and those things [00:33.921]keep going with every faith [00:36.161]这风云变化莫测 或许会让你错愕 [00:38.636]有的人所幸还在 有些人却成为过客 [00:41.195]谁选择苦中作乐 谁又去自甘堕落 [00:43.681]哪些人甚至沦为败类般 懦弱的货色 [00:45.921]但唯一不变的 是他们坚定的初心 [00:47.682]眼前正浮现着 一丝丝如梭的光阴 [00:50.241]野心似金 得要尽力把它给保存 [00:52.236]当有朝一日挖掘 就像满盈的聚宝盆 [00:54.721]昔日的鸟群 早已经飞散不可找寻 [00:57.195]但脑海中 耳畔里 依然会响起这声音 [00:59.755]它见证 鸟群创造奇迹的那段曾经 [01:01.762]默默在叙述着 哪怕没有人听 [01:04.236]白驹总会过隙 那时光也总会过去 [01:06.242]只留下侥幸的胜者对老朋友挥手 [01:08.002]断线的风筝无法找回 也只能够自认倒霉 [01:10.795]毕竟久驻的鸟儿最终也难免飞走 yah [01:13.282]thank you for staying with me [01:14.241]such a long time [01:15.276]it's time to separate yeah [01:17.036]I won't forget y'all [01:17.995]those people and those things [01:20.001]keep going with every faith [01:21.516]really thank you for staying with me [01:23.275]such a long time [01:24.801]it's time to separate yeah [01:26.082]I won't forget y'all [01:27.041]those people and those things [01:29.122]keep going with every faith [01:31.203]时间永远没法将真心给磨蚀 [01:33.284]或是 能被磨蚀的真心也算可耻 [01:35.599]殊途同归 我从未有过任何的后悔 [01:37.839]即便哪天 被命运给掐住了脖子 [01:40.399]自己的命运 便好好交给自己掌舵 [01:42.405]逐渐变得沉稳 不再有心无心闯祸 [01:44.400]静坐着 看那潮汐不断交替涨落 [01:46.885]我问自己 扬名立万你想没想过 [01:49.359]背上了新的backpack [01:50.405]踏上了新的征途 [01:51.685]跨越了新的障碍 [01:52.645]开始了新的争逐 [01:53.925]闯到了新的塞外 太帅 [01:54.885]紧握新的灯烛 [01:56.165]call me苦行僧 痛痛快快 [01:57.445]别来问我生卒 [01:58.406]林子还在 大难并未临头 [01:59.920]依然得要各自飞 [02:00.879]鸟随鸾凤飞腾远 [02:01.925]被埋没的却自卑 [02:03.439]这是非 强者注定要向败弱者示威 [02:05.445]有些展翅成为雄鹰 有些碰一鼻子灰 [02:07.685]check it