作词 : Cries of the Past 作曲 : Cries of the Past How could you ever been this way  你是怎么沦落到这般地步 You came here to breathe again 你为了重新感受这里的一切选择回来 For this ****? 就为了这些? (SINK) 沉溺 l looked for the answer the question was me 我曾一直寻找过“身为我”的答案 Keep reaching from my useless 比起不断追寻这些无用功 I'll still try to make difference  我仍会试图改变些什么 I put my life,with fire,take on my desire 我赌上生命,随着火光乍现,带走了我所有的欲望 You know the war no compromise  你清楚这场所谓的战争并没有妥协 The circle we live,remember don't bring you drown 我们始终深陷这个圈子苟活,至于你请铭记不要在此沉沦 Can you hear the voice and then screaming now 你能聆听其声并随之抗衡吗 Wait for me, I never gonna let this go  请在这等我,我绝不会让这些随风消逝 You will never know  只不过你永远不会知晓 Will we feel this angry and against world 在我们选择将这份愤怒感同身受并面向这个世界时 Bury me,just six feet under you know  埋葬我,你知道的只有六英尺深 It's mighty long fall 这是一场漫长的毁灭 How dare you make it 你怎会敢做出这样的事情 No matter how what you said  无论你怎么解释 But it's shame we don't want believe  很遗憾我们并不愿意去相信 You think you're god and you bring me the pian 我在你自以为是的认知下深感痛苦 Farewell my dream 告别我长久以来的梦 This time we never hate,just take it away 接下来我不会再抱有仇恨,已然粉碎 You want it 这就是 You want it 你想要的 You want to stay for me 你想要为了我留下 When you chose blind your reality  可是当你选择蒙蔽你看到的现实 Stuck in “NO ESCAPE ” 你就早已陷入“无处可逃” I put my life,with fire,take on my desire 我赌上生命,随着火光乍现,带走了我所有的欲望 You know the war no compromise  你清楚这场所谓的战争并没有妥协 The circle we live,remember don't bring you drown 我们始终深陷这个圈子苟活,至于你请铭记不要在此沉沦 You know that the eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼 以牙还牙 So do you what you're told  做你认为正确的选择 Get what you want  得到你想要的吧 NO 不 Pray for me 祈祷与我 Give me 把所有的一切 Everything  都给我 You're run out of time  你所剩不多的时间里 Don't hide,you better get out 别侥幸躲藏了,你最好赶紧滚开 Can you hear the voice and then screaming now 你能聆听其声并随之抗衡吗 Wait for me, I never gonna let this go  请在这等我,我绝不会让这些随风消逝 You will never know  只不过你永远不会知晓 Will we feel this angry and against world 在我们选择将这份愤怒感同身受并面向这个世界时 Bury me,just six feet under you know  埋葬我,你知道的只有六英尺深 It's mighty long fall 这是一场漫长的毁灭 How dare you make it 你怎会敢做出这样的事情 No matter how what you said  无论你怎么解释 But it's shame we don't want believe  很遗憾我们并不愿意去相信 I screaming out loud for everthing  我向身边一切事物大声斥责 And now it looks simple  现在看起来其实很简单