作曲 : Boylan, Martin, Simon, Winding Mr. Burns:Smithers. Smithers:Huh? Mr. Burns:Turn on the surveillance monitors. Smithers:Yes, sir. Mr. Burns:Ehh, it's worse than I thought. Each morning at nine, They trickle through the gate. They go home early, They come in late. Reeking cheap liquor, They stumble through the day. Never give a thought To honest work for honest pay. I know it shouldn't vex me, I shouldn't take it hard. I should ignore their capering With a kingly disregard. But... Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Look at all those idiots! Mr. Burns:Eh, look at all those boobs! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:An office full of morons! Mr. Burns:A factory full of fools! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Is it any wonder... Mr. Burns:That I'm singing... Singing the blues! Smithers:Yours is a heavy burden, sir. Mr. Burns:I'm just getting started. They make personal phone calls On company time. They xerox their buttocks And guess who pays the dime? Their blatant thievery wounds me, Their ingratitude astounds! I long to lure them to my home And then release the hounds! I shouldn't grow unsettled When faced with such abuse. I shouldn't let it plague me I shouldn't blow a fuse! But... Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Look at all those idiots! Mr. Burns:Oh, look at all those boobs! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:An office full of morons! Mr. Burns:A factory full of fools! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Is it any wonder... Mr. Burns:I'm singing... Singing the blues! What happened? Where are the instruments? Smithers:I believe they call this a "breakdown," sir. Mr. Burns:I can't have any breakdowns here! What if there was an inspector around? Smithers:Uh— Mr. Burns:Play a guitar solo! Smithers:Ha, I'm a little out of practice, sir. Mr. Burns:I said do it! So do it, do it, DO IT!!! Smithers:Uh, yes, sir. Uh-huh. Ha ha ha ha. Mr. Burns:Yes, excellent. Smithers:Yeah. Mr. Burns:Well done. Smithers:Ah. Mr. Burns:It's beginning to grate... That will be sufficient, Smithers... Smithers:Excuse me? I said that's enough! Smithers:Woah. Sorry, sir. Thought I had my mojo working. Mr. Burns:Heh, hmm... That man by the cooler Drinking water as if it's free! Smithers:Oh, that's Homer Simpson, sir, That drone from Sector 7G. Mr. Burns:Yes, well, call this Simpson to my office And stay to watch the fun. If he's six feet when he enters, He'll be two feet when I'm done. He brings a ray of sunshine To my unhappy life. To make him kneel before me And slowly twist the knife. Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Look at all those idiots! Mr. Burns:Duh, look at all those boobs! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:An office full of morons! Mr. Burns:A factory full of fools! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Is it any wonder... Mr. Burns:I'm singing... Singing the blues! Smithers:Take me home, sir. Mr. Burns:I'm trying. Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Surrounded by idiots! Mr. Burns:Outnumbered by boobs! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:An office full of morons! Mr. Burns:A planet full of fools! Mr. Burns and Back-up Singers:Is it any wonder... Mr. Burns:I'm singing... Smithers:Maybe you should be singing, sir. Mr. Burns:Oh, singing the bluuuuuuuues! Back-up Singers:Look at all those idiots! Smithers:Mr. Burns, you... you make Muddy Waters sound shallow and cheerful by comparison. Back-up Singers:Office full of morons! Mr. Burns:Thank you, Smithers! Meaningless but heartfelt compliment. Back-up Singers:Is it any wonder Mr. Burns:I feel like I got a few things off my chest. Now, onto the chests of my inferiors! Smithers:You did. Back-up Singers:Look at all those idiots! Mr. Burns:Why are they still playing? Smithers:Uh... Back-up Singers:Office full of morons! Mr. Burns:They're not on salary, are they? Smithers:We're not validating their parking, sir. Back-up Singers:Is it any wonder Mr. Burns:They're paying for their own coffee now, Smithers.