I appeared out of the dark after your father passed I stood and took the place of all that emptiness You said that you never thought god existed But someone had to answer To coincidences So we'll just play it safe And we'll forget that we ever had any questions I said I'd give you everything I had When I had nothing left but I might just bring you down I went from filling to becoming all that emptiness that I saw inside you And I would stay if I could just learn to shut my mouth Cause everything I said just makes it so much worse I work my hands down the bone So everything I touch just feels like stone Well, yeah, I sold myself short You don't need me No one does Because I'm nothing to no one I don't care if I make it I'm stranded,I'm nowhere I'm straight up sinking I'm not letting anyone bother trying to patch these leaks There's nothing to hold Nothing to keep My ship has sailed I got stranded before the storm took over There's only one way out I was so tempted to give in a head for clearer weather There's only one way out And it's the hardest one to take Because I'm nothing to no one I don't care if I make it I'm stranded,I'm nowhere I'm straight up sinking I'm not letting anyone bother trying to patch these leaks There's nothing to hold There's nothing to keep And I prayed every single night before I slept And now there's just no one to talk to And I prayed every single night before I slept And now there's just no one to talk to