You’ve got it written on your face And in the scars on your hands from all that You could feel for a while There was nothing worth knowing that couldn’t be Be hidden or stolen Anyway I got to be going You better too We shall bend in the wind Like reeds knowing greedy get nothing So dressed for the occasion This is an invitation Every time you, you walk the streets you You feel the sound of every punk’s heartbeat And every time the cops drive by We smile and smile and smile and smile Spending like a punk rocker on payday At the monster dogs’ Christmas parade Me and The Mad Monkettes we stop and wave Here’s your conscience just in case you don’t have one Rod Serling said, he said, “ Gin and tonics all night long” Let’s stop and wave Spending like a punk rocker on payday At the Village Halloween parade Me and The Mad Monkettes we carry the day Walking across that Williamsburg bridge, sir Edward r. Murrow said, he said, “ This neighborhood’s gone to the dogs” Just stop and wave Broke as I’ll be on Monday Going out in the woods today Me and The Mad Monkettes we lose our way “ Do you think these bruises are sexy?” Rasputina said, she said And it was like the beginning and end credits All at one goddamn time The night is never too long Not for me anyway How is it for you so far away? How did you get so far away? Aging like a movie star’s heyday Hemorrhaging money I make my way Me and The Mad Monkettes I ain’t got a regret And I can’t forget it at all