[00:03.70](Prelude) [00:36.61]Asgard [01:00.70]Riding on the rainbow and they'll pass the gate of Heimda [01:06.52]Open up Gladsheim and the Walhall! [01:12.46]In the house of Odin the fallen one is standing [01:17.91]With all Einherjar, ready for war. [01:24.16]When the seal is broken up in the midwinter sky [01:29.18]all the dead will follow Odin and they're coming by the storm [01:35.45]in the middle of the world the rock of Gods stand high. [01:41.24]On the dark yule-night [01:44.25]The gods will descend with the dead of the brave. [01:51.14](Interlude) [02:11.08]Take us to Walhalla [02:13.35]when we'll pass the gate of Heimdal. [02:16.77]Let us meet gods (and) follow their ride. [02:22.35]If you watch the nightsky you will find their dwelling [02:27.97]in the stars they live (as the) zodiac signs. [02:34.45]When the bridge will make a way for all the northern gods [02:39.75]all the dead will ride on Bifrost and they're coming by the storm [02:45.48]Sagas from the ancient days are written in the sky [02:51.58]When you read the runes again Walhalla and Asgard are reborn. [02:58.52](Solo continues)