Good evening, kind friends, how do you all do? 'Tis a very long time since I've been to see you I am a volunteer for the Union I go And I'm down on Secession, is Billy Barlow Oh, yes, I'm rough, I well know But a bully old soldier is Billy Barlow Since last I saw you, to Richmond I've been And during my stay Mrs. Davis I've seen She treated me kindly, and smiled on me so Old Jeff, he got jealous of Billy Barlow Oh, yes, I'm rough, I well know But the ladies all like Mr. William Barlow Now I see on picket every time I go out A nice little gal her name is Lize Stout They say she's Secеsh, but I know that's not so For she'll stand by the Union with Billy Barlow Oh, yes, I'm rough, I wеll know But a very good fellow is Billy Barlow Now there's one thing I can't help but to look at What keeps our Quartermaster so sleek and so fat It may not be good living but there's one thing I know He'd get thin on the grub he gives Billy Barlow Oh, yes, I'm rough, I well know But I'm used to good living, is Billy Barlow It's down in Virginia at a place called Bull Run Where first our brave soldiers, their fighting begun It's true they got routed but then you all know It was on account of the absence of Billy Barlow Oh, yes, I'm rough, I well know But a bully old soldier is Billy Barlow Just a few words more than I shall have done And I hope what I've said you will take all in fun If I have not done right, why, please tell me so And I'll bid you good night will Billy Barlow Oh, yes, I'm rough, I well know But I hope you'll excuse Mr. old Billy Barlow