作曲 : Pryor Are you hanging on for hope? The clock strikes past the hour. Is the pain enough to choke the life out? You may never get to sleep Your time is not your time tonight Her smile will make you weak and proud Do you ever miss her? Do you feel the cold wind whisper? Is there anything more deafening? Are you hanging on for hope? It's all you've got worth living for. Is it much too hard to cope the road out? There's a tension when we speak The income's overrated but it's worth it when we meet on common ground Do you ever miss her? Do you feel the cold wind whisper? Is there anything more deafening? Are you hanging on for hope? It's all you've got worth living for. Much too hard to cope when i'm gone? Do you ever miss her? Do you feel the cold wind whisper? Is there anything... Do you ever cower when the clock strikes every hour? Is there anything more deafening? Is there anything more deafening?