Shadows crawl the earth On fields decrepit with death, I stand Blackened rotting flesh Enchanted with fire ...purified So beautifully bloody Bodies dangle from broken trees This putrid killing field Barren wastelands fertile with your blood ...To give birth anew monstrosity A rancid breeze, murmurs in the distance Incantations, chants and drones. It's closing in Now I see the raging fire, consuming them alive I see apocalypses rise A clear black sea is high above me As the flames grow tall, I witness a peer to pestilence It's eyes shine through the surface, frozen... Many they are. Like a million specks Of sand on it's floor Now halt your minds and listen to their roar The beast give evensong of sacrifice Shadows crawl the earth On fields decrepit with death, I stand Blackened rotting flesh Enchanted with fire ...purified