作词 : 飞NX 作曲 : 飞NX 编曲:孟子 混音:孟子 母带:Adam Kagan 封面拍摄:田磊 封面设计:陈卷卷 When I’m not around, you will look for me. 当我不在你的身边,你会去寻找我 When you hear me, you wanna talk to me. 当你听见我的声音,你就想和我说话 When you see me, you wanna touch me. 当你看见我,你就想触碰我 When I walk away, you will follow me. 当我走开,你就跟随我 Woo can’t tell what if it’s wrong or right, 你根本不知道什么才是对或错 The desire got you upside down now. 你已经被欲望所控制 Woo can't tell what if it’s day or night, 你根本不知道是早晨还是夜晚 Cause re-living my moment’s all you got now. 因为你仅仅呼吸着当下的空气 “Can I hold you?” Is that all what you do? “我可以抱你嘛?”这就是你想要做的吗? “Can I lay down right by your side?” I won’t comfort you. “我可以躺在你的身边吗?” “Can you close your eyes?” I won't see you. 你可以闭上双眼吗? “Can I kiss you?” I won’t make love to you. 我可以吻你吗? Woo can’t tell what if it’s wrong or right, 你根本不知道什么才是对或错 The desire got you upside down then. 你已经被欲望所控制 Woo can't tell what if it’s day or night, 你根本不知道是早晨还是夜晚 You had your moment, nothing’s all you got now. 因为你仅仅呼吸着当下的空气 Won’t you check it, check it? Sensual physical it’s classical, Whenever you’re around me feels like magical, Picked it up or dropped it down, You see that how messy we got into the cycle now? Aye I, I, I, You wanna get me out of it? Nah, I’m alright, Hold on and grab a cozy seat, well it’s alright, Go ahead and say , go ahead and say, You got love, I got no time, 你有爱但我没时间 You got love, I got no time, 你有爱但我没时间 You got love, You got love. 你有爱那就你有爱吧