[00:00.000] 作曲 : Traditional arranged by David Kincaid [00:01.45]When old Virginia took the field [00:05.84]and wanted men torally on, [00:10.03]To be at once a sword and shield, [00:14.47]She formed her First Battalion. [00:19.00]Although her sons were volunteers, [00:23.54]And brave as ever bore a brand, [00:27.93]The good old lady had her fears, [00:32.31]that they'd prove but weak of hand [00:39.02]She therefore wisely cast about [00:43.46]For men of mettle and of mould, [00:48.05]With nerve of steel and muscle stout, [00:52.29]Like those that lived in days of old. [00:56.87]She wanted men of pluck and might, [01:01.45]Of fiery heart and horny hand, [01:05.74]To wield a pick as well as fight, [01:10.08]Or build a breastwork out of sand. [01:19.37]Or should she march to meet the foe [01:23.61]That threatened on her western border, [01:28.30]She wanted willing men to go, [01:32.62]When told to put her roads in order. [01:36.96]Or should the Volunteers retreat, [01:41.44]With baggage that might make them tarry, [01:45.93]'Twould blunt the edge of their defeat [01:50.42]To bear a hand and help them carry. [01:59.76]Or should some die of fell disease, [02:03.85]The surgeons having failed to save, [02:08.35]Sure men who work with so much ease, [02:12.59]Would volunteer to dig a grave! [02:17.13]For these, and reasons quite as sound, [02:21.47]When Old Virginia went to war, [02:26.15]She circumspectly viewed the ground [02:30.49]And plumped the middle man from taw! [03:13.29]In other words, to change the figure, [03:17.52]When she stood up and took her rifle, [03:21.96]And put her finger on the trigger, [03:26.41]She meant to work, and not to trifle. [03:30.73]And standing thus, yet wanting then [03:35.32]Some regulars to rally on, [03:39.76]She took three hundred Irishmen [03:44.20]And formed her First Battalion. [03:53.29]And when the storm of battle sweeps, [03:58.04]Where fiercest foemen sally on, [04:02.12]There, hard at work, or piled in heaps, [04:06.45]She'll find her bold Battalion!