作词 : 无 作曲 : Wayne There's a man standin' on the corner 一个男子站在街头 With a sign sayin' Will Work For Food 手中的标牌表明他已失去工作 You know the man 你认识他 You see him every morning 每天清晨都能见到他 The one you never give your money to 只是你从未给过他一分钱 You can sit there with your window rolled up 你摇上车窗 默然静坐 Wonderin' when the lights goin' to turn green 琢磨着交通灯何时会变绿 Never knowin' what a couple more bucks 却不曾考虑,那男子口袋里多添几美元 In his pocket might mean 对他来说将是多么重要 What if he's an angel sent here from Heaven 如果他是上天派下凡的天使And he's makin' certain that you're doin' your best 前来观察 To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 Brother, are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子 Tryin' to forget what you saw in his face 可以把他的面孔从你脑海中抹去 Knowin' deep down it could have been his savin' grace 但你深深地知道,你本来能够获得他的“恩赐” What if he's an angel 如果他是天使