"Possible 211 suspect driving southbound on the 215 driving an '84 Cutlass Supreme. Believed to be armed. Please proceed with caution." [WC "Everyone proceed with caution, suspect is believed to be a black male carrying female hostage. We got a runner fellas." [WC *unitelligible* "Suspect has just thrown female hostage on the side of the 605 freeway. We now have him in heavy traffic on the 105 heading westbound." [WC "Looks like he's trying pulling 1-8 10 and Central. He might try and make a run for it. Don't let him get away. Take this fucker." [WC cigardens[? "Get out the car now I say, keep your hands up! Get out the car now or I'm forced to shoot!" *gun cocks* [WC "Cease fire!! Cease fire damnit!!"