Fear is the mind controller Fear is the mind destroyer Instill fear into the mind of the weak And obtain the power that you seek A method used since the dawn of time Bet your ass you will fall in line, fall in line Pain was granted to those Who tried to stray from order Trust is a flaw in every man's design And you are not worthy of mine, worthy of mine This is not, this is not the life I had in mind This will not be the way I carry on This is not the life I had in mind I will not live under this veil This is not the life I had in mind I will not live under this veil Over all that is spread out before me I exist, above dismay, above fear Over all that is exposed before me I exist. I exist Fear in nothing, no man, no god Fear in nothing, no words, no creed Fear in nothing, no man, no god Fear in nothing, no words, no creed Over all that is spread out before me I exist, above dismay, above fear Above dismay, above fear Over all that is exposed before me, I exist It's time to separate yourself From the grip of this oppression