[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 无 [00:17.636]Don't know your name, but I guess I really don't care [00:21.896]我还不知道你的名字,但我想我大概也不在乎 [00:22.141]I probably should wait, but I wanna let you go there [00:26.889]我也许应该再等等,但是我现在就想让你来这儿 [00:27.145]I wanna try something new, all night [00:31.638]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [00:31.892]I wanna try something new, all night [00:36.386]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [00:36.643]I wanna try something [00:37.644]我想尝试点新玩意儿 [00:37.898]By the way you looking tonight [00:41.889]而你今晚的穿着 [00:41.889]Only one thing comes to my mind [00:46.639]让我的脑海里只浮现了一件事 [00:46.893]When the lights come on at 2 [00:48.890]当午夜两点华灯初上 [00:49.186]I'll still be moving with you [00:51.643]你将会带着我离开 [00:51.920]Boy you're looking at nobody [00:54.140]坏仔 你今晚似乎谁也看不上眼 [00:54.394]Just my body [00:55.392]就盯着我的身体 [00:55.637]Don't know your name, but I guess I really don't care [00:59.897]我还不知道你的名字,但我想我大概也不在乎 [00:59.897]I probably should wait, but I wanna let you go there [01:04.599]我也许应该再等等,但是我现在就想让你来这儿 [01:04.839]I wanna try something new, all night [01:09.347]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [01:09.347]I wanna try something new, all night [01:14.094]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [01:14.094]I wanna try something [01:15.592]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿 [01:15.876]Ah-ah-ah [01:17.843]昂-昂-昂 [01:18.100]Ah-ah-ah, wanna try babe [01:20.597]昂-昂-昂,我就是想试试 宝贝 [01:20.597]Ah-ah-ah, all night [01:23.346]昂-昂-昂,耍一整个晚上 [01:23.346]Ah-ah-ah, all night babe [01:24.844]昂-昂-昂,耍一整个晚上 宝贝 [01:24.844]Oh I, oh I, oh I [01:28.850]哦我~哦我~哦我~ [01:29.096]Baby, oh I, oh I, oh I [01:34.099]宝贝,哦我~哦我~哦我~ [01:34.341]Baby know what you doing tonight? [01:36.849]宝贝你知道你今晚将要干什么吗 [01:36.849]I see that look in your eyes [01:39.591]我能看到从你眼睛里映出的那副表情 [01:39.591]I feel the same, yeah yeah [01:43.597]我也想要同样的事情,耶 耶 [01:43.597]Miss your lips girl when we kiss [01:46.093]每次和你亲吻都只让我更加离不开你的嘴唇 [01:46.346]Why don't we handle this? [01:48.344]为什么我们不解决这个麻烦 [01:48.344]Girl you know I need some affection [01:51.850]靓女 你知道吗 你需要我的感染 [01:52.095]Don't know your name, but I guess I really don't care [01:56.600]我还不知道你的名字,但我想我大概也不在乎 [01:56.600]I probably should wait, but I wanna let you go there [02:01.093]我也许应该再等等,但是我现在就想让你来这儿 [02:01.349]I wanna try something new, all night [02:05.598]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [02:05.856]I wanna try something new, all night [02:10.603]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [02:10.603]I wanna try something [02:12.342]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿 [02:12.599]Ah-ah-ah [02:14.351]昂-昂-昂 [02:14.351]Ah-ah-ah, I wanna try babe [02:16.847]昂-昂-昂,我就是想试试 宝贝 [02:17.092]Ah-ah-ah, all night [02:19.842]昂-昂-昂,耍一整个晚上 [02:19.842]Ah-ah-ah, all night babe [02:21.352]昂-昂-昂,耍一整个晚上 宝贝 [02:21.352]This ain't forever baby, just tonight [02:25.845]不要想多这只是今天一晚,不会永久 [02:25.845]Just sit back and take my direction now [02:29.351]你只要坐回去然后握好方向盘 [02:29.623]Don't know your name, but I guess I really don't care [02:34.101]我还不知道你的名字,但我想我大概也不在乎 [02:34.101]I probably should wait, but I wanna let you go there [02:39.593]我也许应该再等等,但是我现在就想让你来这儿 [02:39.847]I wanna try something new, all night [02:43.353]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [02:43.599]I wanna try something new, all night [02:49.601]我想尝试点新鲜玩意儿,耍一整个晚上 [02:49.844]Ah-ah-ah [02:52.098]昂-昂-昂 [02:52.351]Ah-ah-ah, I wanna try babe [02:54.349]昂-昂-昂,我就是想试试 宝贝 [02:54.596]Ah-ah-ah, I wanna try babe [02:57.600]昂-昂-昂,我就是想试试 宝贝 [02:57.600]Ah-ah-ah, all night babe [02:58.099]昂-昂-昂,耍一整个晚上 宝贝 [02:58.599]Ah-ah-ah [02:59.098]昂-昂-昂 [02:59.353]Ah-ah-ah, I wanna try babe [03:03.846]昂-昂-昂,我就是想试试 宝贝 [03:03.846]Ah-ah-ah [03:08.101]昂-昂-昂 [03:08.101]I like that new-new boy, I like that new [03:12.345]我喜欢那个新来的靓仔,哦我喜欢那个新来的 [03:12.607]Wanna try [03:13.100]就是想试试 [03:13.100]Give me that new-new boy, give me that new [03:16.349]快让我认识认识那个新来的靓仔,认识认识 [03:16.349]Wanna try [03:17.847]就想是试试 [03:18.105]I like that new boy, I like that new [03:21.599]我喜欢那个新来的靓仔,哦我喜欢那个新来的 [03:21.599]Wanna try [03:22.851]就想是试试 [03:22.851]Give me that new-new boy, give me that new [03:25.847]快让我认识认识那个新来的靓仔,认识认识