[00:00.95]Written by:罗大佑 [00:11.68]I recall when I was young oh [00:01.69] [00:15.00]I will play and always having fun [00:19.65]With the neighbor next to me [00:17.42] [00:22.15]And we'll play until the setting sun [00:26.83]Try to be the best among the others [00:25.30] [00:30.13]In a game call the spider battle [00:34.83]It doesn't matter who is the best now [00:33.44] [00:38.57]Those were the days of my past [00:45.05]Few years later when I got to school [00:40.93] [00:47.71]And was late for lesson all the time [00:52.70]Always day dreaming in the class till [00:50.78] [00:55.78]I don't even know the lesson's done [01:00.20]Then my teacher always tell [00:58.89] [01:02.32]Me never ever be lazy again [01:08.02]What can I do now [01:06.10] [01:09.84]What can I say now [01:11.83]Those the days of my past [01:18.56]As the days go on and on [01:14.28] [01:20.98]I grew up and had my first love [01:26.06]Candle light and sandy beach [01:24.11] [01:28.84]Finally give away my first kiss [01:33.54]Mother said I was too young to [01:31.92] [01:36.15]Fall in love and then I will one day regret [01:41.26]So love was over but I do miss her [01:39.63] [01:45.17]Those were the days of my past [02:25.16]Just when I left my high school and [01:47.63] [02:27.75]Got my first job in a salesman [02:32.71]Working hard all day and night [02:30.43] [02:35.53]No one there to lend a helping hand [02:40.16]Daddy told me not to worry [02:38.65] [02:42.90]And said that I should go on step by step [02:48.06]What can I say now what can [02:46.21] [02:50.56]I do now those were the days of my past [02:58.33]Then once day I settled down [02:54.23] [03:01.29]With the only one I really love [03:06.19]Got a small family with two kids [03:04.06] [03:09.10]That is what I'm always hoping for [03:13.39]But I still remember having fun with all my friends [03:12.32] [03:17.82]When I was young [03:21.24]I miss my home town [03:19.48] [03:23.12]I miss my old friends [03:25.13]Those were the days of my past [03:28.53]Oh I miss my home town [03:27.51] [03:30.99]I miss my old friends [03:33.02]When will I see them again