Sleeping passes time Dreaming passes time Thinking passes time Scheming passes time There is no time There is no time Drinking passes time Joking passes time Kissing passes time Pissing passes time There is no time There is no time The time is right, the time is wrong (There is no time) The time, it comes and then is gone Our time is right, our time is wrong (There is no time) Our time is short or maybe long Sniping passes time Fighting passes time Shouting passes time Leaving passes time The time is right, the time is wrong (There is no time) The time, it comes and then is gone Our time is right, our time is wrong (There is no time) Our time is short or maybe long The time is right, the time is wrong (There is no time) The time, it comes and then is gone Our time is right, our time is wrong (There is no time) Our time is short or maybe long The time is right, the time is wrong (There is no time) The time, it comes and then is gone Our time is right, our time is wrong (There is no time)