作词 : VingHuang 作曲 : Loojeiii 编曲:August Wu #FRIEND (Remix) (Prod by August Wu) is it true that our relationship is just a friend 我们之间的关系真的只是朋友那么简单吗 i still remember what you said 我仍然记得你说过的 the day we first met 当我们第一次见面的时候 i dont want accept the true 我不愿意去接受这个现实世界 but ive fallen into you 但我已经沦陷于你 and i wish you like me too 我甚至希望你和我一样 is there another way 这里还有路可逃吗 can we meet on saturday 我们可以在周六见一面吗 im sorry for the stupid shit i said NIKI的歌与我的处境真的太像了(I LIKE U)(我很抱歉对你说出“我喜欢你”这种愚蠢的话) you have no idea how much i wish you were gay 你也不知道那天我是因为你才唱BILLIE的歌(WISH U WERE GAY) Just playing just playing 只是玩玩而已 It's just a game 这只是一个游戏 What am i waiting for 我还在期待着什么 Just friends just friends 真的只是朋友而已 Maybe he has ten more 说不定我只是其中一个 Waiting for 期待着? Waiting for Waiting for 期待着什么 What am i waiting for 还在期待着什么 Just friends just friends 只是朋友而已 We just friends 我们只是普通朋友 Maybe he has ten more 说不定我只是他戏弄的其中一个 Put what i want to say to you in this beat 把想对你说的放在了这个beat里 I don't want to see another girl kiss you 我不想看见你与其他女孩亲吻 I like you I like you ay like you I hate you 我真的太喜欢你了 让我现在开始讨厌你了 Why don't you understand me? 为什么你不愿意去明白我所做的无聊的事 My heart opens to you,just come please 我的心门可是只为你打开的,请来吧 Reminds me of what you used to call me baby 让我想起以前我们亲密无间 I'm bad 我非常不好 But I'm not gonna call for help 但我并不会去求救 So sad 太悲伤了 Because we're just friends now 因为我们现在只是朋友的关系了 is there another way 这里还有路可逃吗 can we meet on saturday 我们可以在周六见一面吗 im sorry for the stupid shit i said NIKI的歌与我的处境真的太像了(I LIKE U)(我很抱歉对你说出“我喜欢你”这种愚蠢的话) you have no idea how much i wish you were gay 你也不知道那天我是因为你才唱BILLIE的歌(WISH U WERE GAY) Just playing just playing 只是玩玩而已 It's just a game 这只是一个游戏 What am i waiting for 我还在期待着什么 Just friends just friends 只是朋友而已 We just friends 我们只是普通朋友 Maybe he has ten more 说不定我只是他戏弄的其中一个 **K$ONG