作词 : Spillane 'Twas the wild flowers I preferred Who owed nothing to nobody But blossomed in the ditches And made their own way in the world 'Twas the wild flowers I admired Who never done nothing to you But driven from the garden Sang their own songs in the spring You can have your lily, you can have your rose That were taken and broken and bred by men They were grafted and lamed Twisted and tamed But the wild flowers I enjoyed They had nothing to do with you They flowered by the roadside And wore their own colors in the sun That were there before you, will be there after you That will out, that will out like your own true nature You can try, you can try That you will never defeat The wild flowers I enjoyed They had nothing to do with you Banished from the garden They made their own way in the world They sang their own songs in the spring And wore their own colors in the sun