作曲 : Dir En Grey 作词 : 京 Where's the fortunate future? Where does our fortunate future come? FucK men FucK off FucK off And wipe Get back my merrily memory FucK off FucK off And wipe Get back my merrily memory Where's the fortunate future? Where does our fortunate future come? FucK men FucK off FucK off And wipe Get back my merrily memory FucK off FucK off And wipe Get back my merrily memory Under the sun 嘲笑うかの様に白日の下 曝け出したのどかに流れる赤の川 死骸で作った山道をお前たちは笑い歩いている また手をかけ延ばし そして百合の花に蟻が群がる FucK man FucK off And wipe 何一つも救えない人達には両手の中 灰と涙と寡黙を… 残酷なまでに交うは月と太陽 明日さえも眼を塞いだ 赤日に問うは寡黙と… Under the sun FucK man FucK off FucK off And wipe Get back my merrily memory FucK off FucK off And wipe Get back my merrily memory FucK men