Tom is always sick about everything Maybe it’s in his heart or maybe it’s in his head He often prays for people like him In the hospitals where it feels so grim He tries to put the light of hope within His parents, they don’t understand Why he gives his time for the frail-ones Instead of taking care of him Tom knows he does belong here But at home things are really heavy That he planned to leave not to become nasty Sweet Beth and her mother Had an argument again about summer That she wants to spend with her bunch of friends Lately Beth lost too much weight The bones of her spine are like teeth from a saw Ready to cut her skin off to get it over with She can’t stand her face and her reflection In the mirror she found this is not enough To feel well among friends when your family life is rough When the corners of your mind are just blocked And the only window of your heart overlooks nothing Nothing but a lonesome track You want to get out of this tragic plight Where you are confined, you weep to get blind You wish you could bury that voice Pretending you have no choice But right after that way, there’ll be a newborn day Sometimes I thought my shadow Was a long, long way behind me But it kept haunting me Because I refuse to see what I needed to be Me, I want to go where my curing lives And where the angels hum about The defeats that were turning into gold