It's too late to say goodbyemaybe things could work out right. no need to cryand l won't let goand you said you knowl remember times l hadsome were happy some were absolutely sadbut l believed in yousometimes feelin' blue... 'cause saturday rocks oh no... NO NEED FO R ME TO ST AY AND LOS EIGNORING ME BURNED OUT AND US EDWHAT CAN l SAY IT'S J UST TOO LA TEIGNORING ME A REAL BIG PAKE'C AUSE SATUR DAY ROCKS, SATURDAY R OCKS OH NO... I never wanted you to goyou went away l didn't mean to hurt you soand we disagreethe best for you and me'cause saturday rocks... oh no... NO NEED FO R ME TO ST AY AND LOS EIGNORING ME BURNED OUT AND US EDWHAT CAN l SAY IT'S J UST TOO LA TEIGNORING ME A REAL BIG PAKE- CAUSE SATU RDAY ROCKS, SATURDAY R OCKS OH NO... We disagree on everything everyone should be blamedno need for me to stay and loseignoring me burned out and usedsaturday rocks... oh no