i have been living impatiently yes i'd become a passionate drinker waiting has not been my cup of tea so I have thrown it all away everyone looks at me skeptically as though this were not my true demeanor but they know not of what I am capable therefore they have nothing to say i run to the woods and look around all I see is my reflection so I howl like I am a wolf and take my clothes off the caribou cheer, the squirrels rejoice, the birds and fish change direction to catch a glimpse of all this joy that is much deeper than just for the weekend there are suckers who give up too easily and many of them are my homies they clean up their rooms and they read their books and they always have something to say there was a time when I ran to them always in search of approval now I look at them all with a broken heart wishing their sadness away i run to the woods and look around all I see is my reflection so I howl like I am a wolf and take my clothes off the caribou cheer, the squirrels rejoice, the birds and fish change direction. to catch a glimpse of all this joy that is much deeper than just for the weekend and soon I will sit beside myself for the wind that fills my sails is the same one that blew me over when optimism fails I reach for something more the wind that fills my sails is the same one that blew me over when optimism fails I reach for something more and soon I will sit beside myself, yeah there are boys and girls living in secrecy pushed to the ground by their elders forbidden to run and commanded to hide and to watch every word that they say i was the same until recently when I discovered the illusion and we're only as free as we let ourselves be and its time we shut up and play i run to the woods and look around all I see is my reflection so I howl like I am a wolf and take my clothes off the caribou cheer, the squirrels rejoice, the birds and fish change direction to catch a glimpse of all this joy that is much deeper than just for the weekend deeper than just for the weekend...