[00:00.000] (Instrument) [14:54.001] [14:56.218] 'Ode to Cynthia' [15:00.339] [15:01.738] Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, [15:06.849] Now the sun is laid to sleep, [15:11.978] Seated in a silver chair, [15:17.215] State in wonted manner keep. [15:22.038] [15:22.291] Earth, let not an envious shade [15:27.505] Dare itself to interpose; [15:32.600] Cynthia's shining orb was made [15:37.824] Heav'n to cheer when day did close. [15:42.689] [15:43.066] Lay thy bow of pearl apart, [15:48.202] And thy crystal-shining quiver; [15:53.359] Give unto the flying hart [15:58.502] Space to breathe, how short soever; [16:03.365] [16:03.812] Hesperus entreats thy light, [16:08.811] Goddess, excellently bright. [16:13.974] Bless us then with wished sight, [16:19.211] Thou who makes a day of night... [16:25.764]