Crushing resistance, inflicting pain Fierce devotion, reign of terror Draconian measures, sealing their fates Proudly displaying monuments in blood Warschau Warschau Warschau Overkill supreme, bloodletting Sacrifice, blood is the price of victory Iron claws descend, ruling with supremacy Declaration of death, damnations pride Eye for an eye, death for death Panzerclaw retaliate, blood and dust Annihilation, obliteration, cremation Declaration of death, genocide triumphant Crushing resistance, inflicting pain Fierce devotion, reign of terror Draconian measures, sealing their fates Proudly displaying moments in blood Warschau Warschau Warschau Overkill supreme, bloodletting Sacrifice, blood is the price of victory Iron claws descend, ruling with supremacy Declaration of death, damnations pride Warschau Warschau Warschau