(Sighisoara, Transilvania in the year of 1431) All demons ride high upon the bewitching Nightsky They are only disturbed by a new-born child's painful cry Son of the great dragon, come forth to rule In all your glory, no man, no beast will be as cruel All the angels and the puny men of god looked away Frightened to death by the evil that was born on that day Dracul come forth, and see your son's soul is powerful Triumphantly holding his son, nothing could be as delightful In our order you are now, for the sake of your greatness You must murder the muslim turks in thousands, no less Let them feel our never-ending wrath and our steel We are men of god, so let them know it for real It's our mission to seek our enemies, and kill them one by one They must be destroyed in time, be sure to teach your new-born son We must bath in the blood of the vermins, called turks, to win The muslims are to be executed, for they live in great sin Sultan Murad of the turks is getting more powerful each day Dracul will not be one of them that for his mercy will pray He must turn his back on his previous allies And conspirate with the turks Beware you all of the evil blood that in Dracul lurks The holy Roman emperor will get angered with this But Dracul must protect himself, it's a right of his So feel the greedy claws of death, you weak men of god Treacherous thoughts was the father of the berserker prince Vlad (In the year of 1438) Seven years of age is he and already in bloody war His eyes do not turn away from all that death and gore Father Dracul and brother Mircea are riding by his side Proud he is of his warrior father, no matter he lied Together with the turks, they ravaged through the land Dragon and beast, devils and demons fighting hand-in-hand Transilvania - You great home of ours You they will crush, there is no good to help us What feeds an evil mind? What makes a man a man? The deeds of death! But greater stories are yet to be told..