[00:11.73]Usher] [00:11.94]It's gon' be a long night Drop] [00:15.54]Ur-Sher baby!!! oh oh] yeah] [00:16.61]Yeah Man! oh oh] [00:22.84]This is a J-Lac track man! [00:24.27]oh oh] [00:24.68]oh oh] [00:25.08]oh oh] [00:25.53]Nelly] Ohhhhh...Girl u know how to find me [00:27.24]Usher] When u need a fix [00:28.53]Nelly] But u know when u call me [00:30.28]Usher] Make sure time ain't a issue [00:31.86]Nelly] Listen...I keep a strategy for attackin' yo anatomy and I hope u don't get mad at me [00:36.35]Usher] But I had to say it ohhh] [00:37.98]Nelly] U know rushin' ain't a option...Baby stop is not a topic...U know Daddy gon' be bringin' it home. [00:41.68]Usher] bringin' it home [00:42.93]Nelly] U know girl once I'm in it...Girl I'm in it...so forget it...I ain't quittin' 'til I touch every square inch of ya walls. [00:47.79]Usher] inch of ya walls [00:48.79]Nelly] Shawty here we go [00:49.68]Usher] Go, go, go, go, go [00:50.67]Nelly] Take ur clothes off slow [00:51.71]Usher] Slo, slo, slo, slo, slow [00:52.66]Nelly] Give ur boy a lil show [00:53.85]Usher] Sho, sho, sho, sho, show [00:54.90]Nelly] Girl cuz [00:56.85]Usher] U know what I [00:57.80]Nelly] like [00:58.12]Usher] Don't put up a [00:59.08]Nelly] fight [00:59.43]Usher] [00:59.64]Ohhh...just give it to me girl [01:00.80]I promise Imma keep it steady [01:02.33]Cuz I been lookin' at ya baby and I know ur ready [01:04.61]So cut off ur phone [01:05.78]It's gon' be a long night [01:07.11]I can't hold it for long baby cuz its gettin' heavy [01:12.58]Let me beat it out the frame [01:14.04]I'm tired of lookin' at it yeah] [01:15.43]I'm just tellin' you...It's gon' be a long night [01:21.52]Uhh Listen! [01:22.11]Nelly] [01:22.35]U see Girl I'm talkin' hours [01:23.84]He just talkin' minutes [01:24.65]He gon' put u in his black book [01:26.21]I'll put u in the guiness [01:27.25]book of world records [01:27.90]Shawty Im already in it me too!] [01:29.39]I already did it...in the bed of menace [01:32.15]Usher: in the bed a menace] [01:33.35]Some call me Dennis yeah] [01:36.52]cuz my rod man diggin' in [01:37.73]Usher: diggin' in] [01:39.14]leave em all screamin' out damn! [01:40.22]Usher: screamin' out Dammnnn] [01:40.88]A scorpio so ma u know just how I am [01:42.73]Usher] amm...Now girl u know who I am [01:44.24]Nelly] Quit playin! [01:44.79]Usher] So baby let's go [01:45.67]Nelly] Shawty here we go [01:46.54]Usher] Go, go, go, go, go [01:47.46]Nelly] Take ur clothes off slow [01:48.52]Usher] Slo, slo, slo, slo, slow [01:49.56]Nelly] Give ur boy a lil show [01:50.84]Usher] Sho, sho, sho, sho, show [01:51.99]Nelly] Girl cuz [01:52.55]Usher] U know what I [01:53.46]Nelly] like [01:53.83]Usher] Sow me where to bite [01:54.93]Nelly] you [01:55.29]Usher] [01:55.48]Ohhh...just give it to me girl [01:56.59]I promise Imma keep it steady [01:57.70]Cuz I been lookin' at ya baby and I know ur ready [02:00.03]So cut off ur phone [02:00.94]It's gon' be a long night long nighttt] [02:02.65]I can't hold it for long baby cuz its gettin' heavy [02:07.46]Let me beat it out the frame [02:09.77]I'm tired of lookin' at it yeah] [02:11.06]I'm just tellin' you...It's gon' be a long night [02:12.83]Nelly] [02:13.04]Listen...by the time I'm done with you [02:14.91]Usher: done with you] [02:17.15]ain't gon be nothin left to do [02:21.17]Usher: left to do] [02:21.96]Imma take my time when I put it on u [02:23.91]Imma make sure u touch every inch of this room. [02:25.71]Usher: inch of this room] [02:26.67]Startin' from the bed eh] to the floor oh]...to the couch...to the stairwell...kitchen counter...clear it out. [02:30.02]Usher: clear it out] [02:31.34]From there we goin' straight to the baclony [02:32.93]Usher: balcony] [02:33.27]Show u what u never seen [02:34.41]Usher: never seen] [02:34.95]Who u know do better than that [02:36.98]Usher: better than tha] [02:37.80]Usher] [02:38.84]Aye...just give it to me girl [02:40.42]I promise Imma keep it steady keep it steady] [02:41.97]Cuz I been lookin' at ya baby and I know ur ready know that ur ready] [02:44.85]So cut off ur phone [02:45.85]It's gon be a long night its gon be a long nighttt] [02:48.29]I can't hold it for long baby cuz it's gettin' heavy oooh...it's gettin' heavy] [02:52.08]Let me beat it out the frame ehh ehh ehhhh] [02:54.16]I'm tired of lookin' at it yeah] [02:57.61]I'm just tellin' you...Its gon be a long night a long night] [03:00.10]oh oh yeah] [03:03.26]oh oh yeah] [03:06.09]Yeah man! [03:06.85]oh oh yeah] [03:09.23]oh oh yeah] [03:11.45]oh oh yeah]