Sweetmeat by Pigface album: I love all aminals but they don't love me back. i tend to put them in a state of full attack. You think I'd pet a kitten and it would rub against me But that doesn't ever happen I must be made of sweetmeat. Cause they bite me They try to eat me alive I get so frightened I cry.I cry. I want a pet so bad I can just taste it I'd love to walk a dog and not be chased by it You think I'd feed a stray dog and it would love me sweetly But that doesn't ever happen I must be made of sweetmeat Cause they bite me They try to eat me alive I get so frightened I cry da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da I can't even take a walk in the great outdoors Cause suddenly I'm being chased by wild boars. Squirrels hit me with their nuts. Raccoons with their hissing bit The deer they take turns kicking. The rabbits try to maul me. The snakes are licking lying Their tying me down They wrap them selves around my legs.. the poison me they paralyze me the birds are pecking my eyes they rip out of all of my hair i tell them go on have a bite make a pig out of yourselves I'm made of meat. And I am sweet meat.