I was there to witness 我亲眼验证 Candice’s inner princess Candice内心深藏的公主情节 She wants the boys to notice 她想要男孩子们的目光都聚焦到身上 Her rainbows, and her ponnies 她眼花缭乱的配饰 她每天的打扮 She was educated 她是受过教育的 But could not count to ten 却从一数到十都困难 How she got lots of different horses 她是怎样把她们捉弄得团团转 By lots of different men 那些不同货色的家伙们 And I say 所以我想说 Liberate your sons and daughters 给每天锁在你身旁的子女自由吧 The bush is high 这些捣蛋鬼们都已经长大 But in the hole there’s water 他们心里都有自己的主意 You can get some, when they give it 若他们愿意和你掏心掏肺 你尽可知晓他们的一切 Nothing sacred, but it's a living 没什么神圣可言 只是生活的影射而已 Hey ho here she goes 嘿 吼 她来了 Either a little too high or a little too low 这路要么太高要么太低的碍脚 Got no self-esteem and vertigo 你要抛去自尊 不顾昏眩 Cause she thinks she’s made of candy 因为她觉得她是糖果甜心 理应特殊优待 Hey ho here she goes 嘿 吼 她来了 Either a little too loud or a little too close 这路要么太高要么太低的碍脚 There's a hurricane in the back of her throat 在她甜腻的嗓音后 藏着飓风凌乱 And she thinks she’s made of candy 她觉得她是糖果甜心 理应特殊优待 Ring a ring of roses 为她编一个美艳的玫瑰花环 Whoever gets the closest 让离得最近的那个人来编这花环 She comes and she goes 她兴致到来又翩然离去 As the war of the roses 在这玫瑰花的战争里 Mother was a victim 妈妈沦为受害者 Father beat the system 爸爸有隙可乘 By moving bricks to Brixton 把指责之词都丢到Brixton And learning how to fix them 慢慢学习如何去和孩子们融洽相处 Liberate your sons and daughters 解放你的儿子和女儿 The bush is high 这些捣蛋鬼们都已经长大 But in the hole there’s water 他们心里都有自己的主意 As you win 当你赢了 She’ll be the hollywood love 你就是好莱坞的热宠啦 And if it don’t feel good 如果这样令你不爽 What are you doing this for 你干嘛还要这样做 Now tell me 现在请诚实相告 Hey ho here she goes 嘿 吼 她来了 Either a little too high or a little too low 这路要么太高要么太低的碍脚 Got no self-esteem and vertigo 你要抛去自尊 不顾昏眩 Cause she thinks she’s made of candy 因为她觉得她是糖果甜心 理应特殊优待 Hey ho here she goes 嘿 吼 她来了 Either a little too loud or a little too close 这路要么太高要么太低的碍脚 There's a hurricane in the back of her throat 在她甜腻的嗓音后 藏着飓风凌乱 And she thinks she’s made of candy 她觉得她是糖果甜心 理应特殊优待 Liberate your sons and daughters 给每天锁在你身旁的子女自由吧 The bush is high 这些捣蛋鬼们都已经长大 But in the hole there’s water 他们心里都有自己的主意 As you win 当你赢了 She’ll be the hollywood love 你就是好莱坞的热宠啦 And if you don’t feel good 如果这样令你不爽 What are you doing this for 你干嘛还要这样做 What are you doing this for 你干嘛还要这样做 What are you doing this for 你干嘛还要这样做 What are you doing this for... ... 你干嘛还要这样做 Hey ho here she goes 嘿 吼 她来了 Either a little too high or a little too low 这路要么太高要么太低的碍脚 Got no self-esteem and vertigo 你要抛去自尊 不顾昏眩 Cause she thinks she’s made of candy 因为她觉得她是糖果甜心 理应特殊优待 Hey ho here she goes 嘿 吼 她来了 Either a little too loud or a little too close 这路要么太高要么太低的碍脚 There's a hurricane in the back of her throat 在她甜腻的嗓音后 藏着飓风凌乱 And she thinks she’s made of candy... ... 她觉得她是糖果甜心 理应特殊优待