So many years of education, millions of hours are spent to learn A clear vision is reflected, the perfect future, the ignorant bliss We are born to sell The best time to create Will to live is sucked efficiently By the 8 hours of lobotomy Slaves all we are, free will of ours will fall Become as an insignificant part, a tiny wheel of the society We are born to sell the best time to create Will to live is sucked efficiently by the 8 hours of lobotomy By the 8 hours of lobotomy Five days a week we sell our time Lobotomy by free will to gain a decent life We are born to sell time to create Will to live is lost by the cost of sanity So many years of education Millions of hours are spent to learn A clear vision is reflected The perfect future, the ignorant bliss We are born to sell The best time to create Will to live is sucked efficiently By the 8 hours of lobotomy